Historical background


2000 – An international consortium of resarch groups publishes the complete human genome sequence (i.e. the genotype of a human being) in the renowned journals Nature and Science. This milestone in biomedical research represents a novel fundament for modern pathophysiology. In order to understand the impact of individual genes on man's health, it is of decisive importance to capture the phenotype of human diseases in detail and completeness. 

2002 – The comprehensive clinical bedside examination captures a precise image of an individual health status. In order to utilize daily clinical observations for phenotyping diseases, electronic data gathering is required. The requirements for such a patient documentation are specified. The COBEDIAS idea is born.

2003-2007 – A scientific project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation proves that the clinical examination is suitable for phenotyping patients with atherosclerosis. The innovative and effective algorithm is patented. The study results are published online in PLoS ONE.

2007-2011 – A prototype of the COBEDIAS electronic status bulletin is realized and successfully tested in a field experiment at the medical department of the Bruderholzspital, BL, Switzerland.

2012 – In order to manufacture a marketable software product that can be used by other physicians, Cobedix corporation in Adetswil is founded. The realization of a premium software succeds with ELCA informatique SA as a technology partner.

2014 – COBEDIAS electronic status bulletin
As of now, physicians may document their daily ordinary clinical findings comfortably in the COBEDIAS electronic status bulletin. As an immediate result, a concise summary report is generated at the touch of a button. The documented data are immediately compared with reference profiles to identify or exclude disease.

2016 – COBEDIAS medical data warehouse
Provided that data donors provide consent, their irreversibly anonymized clinical data are collected in the central data repository of Cobedix corporation. There, they are utilized to generate disease profiles. The disease profiles are available for qualified inquiries.